
Showing posts from September, 2023
                 SWANNIE , HOW I LOVE IT , HOW I LOVE IT   Hello my fellow food Cosmonauts and bargain seekers. Today I want to speak about a subject that is very dear to my heart. That's right, Happy Hour. Just the name of it  brings me unbridled joy. A time specifically designed for your pleasure and enjoyment.   Now you're talking. The term was first mentioned  in print  in the early 1600’s by no  other than Willie Shakespeare  largely regarded as the greatest dramatist and writer in  the English language ( though it is very clear he was no yours truly). The term was later used in the early 1900’s in the US Navy to denote specific periods set aside to amuse   the sailors with a variety of entertainment including boxing , wrestling , music and  dancing. The specific idea  of imbibing prior to dinner  gained prominence during  prohibition In 1920 with the popularity of the speakeasy  secretly serving drinks on the  down low. Unbelievably there are still many