Hello my hungry friends, it is time again for my meaningless culinary words of wisdom.

Actually, I almost didn’t get started this month because I was “Across The Pond “, doing some

vital empirical research for you which can be summed up in one word ,“Shakshuka”. In case you 

don't know , “Shakshuka” is a North African -Style Poached Egg Dish  in A Spicy Tomato Sauce 

which appears on every breakfast menu in the UK. That along with the second most popular 

offering ,  “The Full English Breakfast”, a dish that  somehow elevates  Heinz 

Vegetarian beans ,and Orangey eggs into the ultimate morning fare. This  brings me to the 

subject at hand and one of my favorite meals, “Breakfast” . It's where you go when you are 

bored , hungry and hungover and don’t want to wash 75 pots and pans. But where?” I 

am glad you asked  because Mon Ami , it’s time for “Breakfast Battles”. Here are my carefully 

researched  findings for your serious perusal. Coming in first place by a wide margin is the 

excellent “My  Kitchen Witch” (29 Beach Rd ,Monmouth Beach). Resplendent with witch decor 

everywhere, it is cute and funky but don't let the Kitsch fool you, the food is for real here. Just 

about anything you order from their menu is excellent, but the real magic happens when you 

take a bite of their  irresistible thick and chewy  candied “Wicked Good Bacon”. It holds a special 

place in my heart ( or so my cardiologist tells me}  Pair that along with The super savory   MKW 

Hotcakes , (a mix of cornmeal , wheat germ and oats ) and you my friend have got it goin on. If 

you don’t feel like making the drive (though it's worth it)  give my surprise number 2 choice a try 

, the super quirky “Back In Time Cafe” (615 Main St. Bradley Beach) Yes, at the Bradley Beach 

Train Station. It is unique , warm and welcoming .Somehow the word “artisanal" comes to mind. 

You and your breakfast are in good hands here When you try one of their satisfying “Signature 

Breakfasts “ complete with Reenie’s inspired homemade baked goods you will feel like you 

hopped that train, taking you on a culinary trip to anywhere but New Jersey.

As an added benefit, you can just pull right up and park, a welcome rarity in these parts.  It is a 

great choice  in the heat of the  summer when  there are too many Bennies  ordering Bennies ( 

ya know the sandwich ) at my solid 3 choice, The Buttered Biscuit ( 700 Main St. Bradley 

Beach). If u ever do get in there,  though, give the aforementioned Crab Cakes Benedict , or 

Cinnamon , Honey , Pecan Stuffed French Toast a try. Also , the hot  homemade biscuits are 

very comforting and the wait staff is a lot more pleasant than you thought they would be, dealing 

with the hangry  mob. Coming in a solid 4th is my old standby the Turning Point (now 

conveniently located 1605 Rt 35 N in Ocean). As always it is quite pleasant to eat there, well run 

and offers a plethora ( good SAT word) of choices. I for one gravitate toward the delicious 

Lemon Blue Berry Pancakes or the tasty Wilber Skillet. If it’s local flavor that you crave, you 

could do a lot worse than the perennial favorite luncheonette ,” Franks”. Tell them “The Boss “ 

sent you and get ready to eat one of the best authentic Pork roll, Egg and Cheese Sammies  in 

all of  New Jousey. Peruse the vintage local photos stuck on the wall, cue up  some old 

Springsteen on Spotify and you my friends will be cruising the Circuit again in good old Asbury.

 Well I could go on but I am making myself hungry and probably you too. BTW if you just can’t 

wait to read my drivel or, horrors, missed one of my rambling installments  you can check 

them all out  at  Also it would be great for my ego (like it 

needs helping) if I could leave a comment as I am starting to get lonely. So until the next time 

my friends , enjoy your life and live well. You will thank me later ( or you won't)

                                                       MKW HOTCAKES 


  1. I have to agree with this author I have been to all of them and I find them also to be above and beyond anything that Delicious pallets could imagine. Thank you Harold for the info and your sense of humor, which hits Home right in our stomachs

    1. Thanks so much for your kind words , I like to give people a chuckle!

  2. I’m in Florida and I can tell you there is nothing like a Jersey breakfast! Thanks for the tips next time I am up in Joisey

  3. I remember having delicious breakfasts with you & Rona at Kitchen Witch and Turning Point - enjoying great food & great company! Although I've found some wonderful breakfast spots in Florida, I haven't found anyone I enjoy going out to eat with as much! xoxo

    1. Well thanks mystery responder, but I feel like, we know you!

  4. Back in time is one of my favorites. We go often in the summer. The sunshine sandwich is my go to. The iced coffee with the frozen coffee cubes is a nice touch also.

    1. Thanks Gary for taking the time out of your busy day to respond. Regards to Jen!

  5. I love your blog and updates on local eateries!!! It inspires me to go more out to try the restaurants you write about! Thank you for taking the time!!

    1. We;;, I love you too , mystery commenter, I like to give you all a chuckle!

  6. Every one of these breakfast beauties sounds delicious! Thank you for a wonderful read and yes now I am hungry! We hope all is well with you both❤️

    1. Well thanks for taking the time to comment and your kind words friend.


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