
Showing posts from February, 2024
                           Everything Old Is New Again What do you get when you mix the area's  top chef with an ancient Long Branch tradition? You, my friends, get Nunzio's (230 Westwood Ave Long Branch ) . When I walk into this place its  like stepping into a time warp. It 1956 and my family and I going to the “ pizza parlor” for a fresh  “tomato pie”. I can almost hear the old men playing Bocce in the alleyway next door. The sites,  the smells , the jukebox , the plastic seats are all the same or are they? Yes and no. The pizza is  still thin and crispy with just the perfect char. The Antipast is still fresh and crunchy . But what's  this? Just whipped house ricotta with honey from Trama's own beehive ?  Homemade Focaccia  with Robiola Cheese and Truffle Oil ? Pretty fancy for Nunzio’s. Yep , the digs are same , the  family friendly vibe is the same but the food , well that's elevated. In case you don't remember   Pat Trama is the classically trained executiv
                                             BREAKFAST  BATTLES Hello my hungry friends, it is time again for my meaningless culinary words of wisdom. Actually,  I almost didn’t get started this month because I was “Across The Pond “, doing some vital  empirical research for you which can be summed up in one word ,“Shakshuka”. In case you  don't know , “Shakshuka” is a North African -Style Poached Egg Dish  in A Spicy Tomato Sauce  which appears on every breakfast menu in the UK. That along with the second most popular  offering ,  “The Full English Breakfast”, a dish that  somehow elevates  Heinz  Vegetarian beans ,and Orangey eggs into the ultimate morning fare. This  brings me to the  subject at hand and one of my favorite meals, “Breakfast” . It's where you go when you are  bored , hungry and hungover and don’t want to wash 75 pots and pans. But where?” I